MSO Podcast: Night Heron on Greg Verga’s Unfinished Music

GLOUCESTER – Night Heron was recorded live today at Greg Verga’s Unfinished Music Studio.

Night Heron is the stage name of Michael Telles, a musician, singer, and songwriter who currently lives by Folly Cove.  Michael was born and raised in Gloucester, and from an early age he would listen intently to any music that chimed, droned, buzzed, and hummed over a good beat.  Night Heron’s music plays with a range of genres — folk, dream-pop, rock, psychedelia, tropicalia — but is always marked by a unique jangle and haze. He has produced thirteen EPs, is preparing a soon-to-be-released fourteenth EP, and has released a collection of fifteen “fan favorites” called Idylls on Display, all of which are available for streaming and download at
Michael Telles has taught English at Gloucester High School for seventeen years.  He lives in Lanesville with his wife Amber and son Charlie.

Night Heron on Greg Verga’s Unfinished Music

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