Rockport Police Department CelebratesAnniversary of Senior Well-Being Check Program

ROCKPORT – Chief John Horvath is pleased to announce that the Rockport Police Department will reach the first anniversary of its Good Morning Rockport Senior Well-being Check program on March 16.

The initiative serves as a voluntary well-being check for seniors living alone. Each applicant receives an initial home visit from Special Officer for Elder Affairs Roger Lesch, who provides the senior with a written summary explaining the program. Participants are also given a “Person at Risk Form,” which provides the department with information needed in case of an emergency.

Every morning, between 8-10 a.m., program participants contact the dispatch center to let police know they are OK. If a senior misses a call, dispatch will then work to locate the person. First, an officer will contact the senior by phone at home, or one of the participant’s family members or neighbors who signed up as an emergency contact. If the senior is still not located, an officer is sent to the resident’s home for a face-to-face check-in.

Currently, 22 seniors are enrolled in “Good Morning Rockport.” The youngest senior is 74 years old and the oldest senior is 97 years old. Participants say the program gives them a great sense of security and their families appreciate the added protection.

Last September, a participant in the program did not call in or respond to a follow-up call to her home. An officer went to the home and found the senior lying on floor. She had fallen the day before and was unable to reach her telephone.

“The success of this program is due primarily to the dedication and professionalism and courtesy of our officers, dispatchers, and Elder Affairs Officer Lesch who continues to lead the program,” Chief Horvath said. “We are pleased with the positive reception and results of this initiative so far, and hope that more seniors continue to utilize this resource.”

To enroll, or for more information about the program, contact Special Officer Roger Lesch at 978-546-1212, ext. 13.

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