Wenham: Mandatory Water Ban in Effect

Town of Wenham
A message from our Water Department regarding a Mandatory Water Ban:

Due to low flows in the Ipswich River, the Town of Wenham through its Board of Water Commissioners, hereby declare a Mandatory Water Ban effective July 11, 2024. Flows in the Ipswich River have fallen below the minimum level deemed necessary by MassDEP to sustain a healthy watershed.

Except for uses which are required for health or safety reasons; by regulation, for the production of food and fiber; for maintenance of livestock or to meet the core functions of a business; All nonessential outdoor watering, including but not limited to the use of water for irrigation or automobile and property washing is prohibited. Hand watering is allowed from 5 pm to 9 am daily by hose or bucket. THIS BAN INCLUDES WATER FROM PRIVATE WELLS.

Violators of this order shall be subject to fines of up to $100 for each offense, per Chapter XXI of the Town of Wenham Bylaws.

We would like to thank all residents for their understanding and cooperation.

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