Wednesday, Sept 14th – Possible Salem Halloween Parking Changes – Salem Dunkin Robbery Arrests Made

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Weather – National Weather Service – Seasonably warm today with plentiful sunshine and much lower humidity. Enjoy!

 Don’t forget to check out local sports updates and photos at the end of this post 

Community News Notes – Photos

City of Salem 

Current employment opportunities with the City of #SalemMA: Current board and commission vacancies: Calendar of City meetings and events for the week of September 12, 2022:

Danvers DPW – Hazardous Waste Day


Rockport MusicFirst viewings at the Shalin Liu Performance Center start Sept 24, 1PM! Tickets:


Essex Tech – On Tue, 9/20 at 6:3 pm, our School Resource Officer Michael Chase will be giving a school safety presentation. We will also have a zoom link to the presentation for those that cannot attend in person. Please RSVP here if you plan to attend.


Peabody Mayor Bettencourt – Volunteers will play an important role in the success of the North Shore Children’s Museum and its ability to deliver excellent customer service for families and enriching educational experiences for children.


Salem Public Schools – National Arts in Education Week celebrates the transformative power of arts in education & highlights how students (and staff) benefit from artistic learning, innovative thinking & creativity. Thank you to our arts teachers for making it happen! Celebrate the arts in our schools!


Danvers LibraryWe took a WHOLE SHOPPING CART of school supplies to the #Danvers Food Pantry last week! Thanks to everybody who donated so far! We’re still accepting donations until 9/20, bring them to the front desk or lobby of the #library. List of supplies here:

Manchester-by-the-Sea Two special public hearings are scheduled for this week that residents are invited to participate in. Board of Health Keeping of Animals Hearing: Select Board Tree Hearing:


Photo of the same cart from another angle, all three backpacks are zipped. Beneath the backpacks in the cart are 2 brown paper shopping bags, one pink paper gift bag, and one cardboard box.

New Athletic Fields at Hamilton-Wenham HS?



Hamilton-Wenham Girls Soccer Hamilton-Wenham 4, Ipswich 1 – 

The Tigers took advantage of a slow start by the Generals.  Thirty seconds into the match, Ipswich scored before the home team woke up.  This quick goal seemed to shock the Generals.  They picked up their game.  Junior midfielder Lily Mark scored off a pass from sophomore forward Annie Moynihan in the fifth minute.   Ten minutes later, sophomore defender Maddy Wood scored an unassisted blast.  That’s where the scored stood until the second half despite the Generals having the better of the play.  The Generals ended the game with 25 shots and 13 corner kicks.
In the second half senior midfielder Ella Schenker continued the scoring off a pass from Wood.  The forward combination of seniors Kaitlyn Menegoni and Georgia Mazuzan kept the pressure on.    Mazuzan scored her second goal of the season with an assist from junior defender Claire Veenema.
Junior goalie Stewart Bernard had two saves for the home team.
The Generals are 3-0 and face Lynnfield at home next Tuesday.

Ipswich Golf over Pentucket – Chase Hansen Sr Connor Wright Fr and Samir Harb Soph all had 17 points to lead the Tigers (3-5) @ Ipswich country club

Georgetown Golf Program – September 13th, at Black Swan Country Club, Georgetown.

Newburyport 124*
Georgetown  124
*win matching scorecards
Top Scorers:
Logan Corriveau (GT) 33
Brody Brown (NBPT) 26
Peabody Athletics – Peabody PE/Health & Athletics Update: PVMHS Fitness Room- more equipment is arriving now and over the next 2-4 weeks! New floor looks great! Big thanks to Athletic Admin Assistant Gayle Ograbisz for helping with this project! More to come!



Manchester- Essex Athletics – Boys Soccer tops Amesbury 2-0


Triton Soccer


Marblehead Boys SoccerOn behalf of our Boys Varsity squad we would like to thank @NickGiannino_SN from the Salem News for covering today’s game vs the Blue. His professional and outstanding coverage helps our program grow. Nick G NEC Pride!!


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