Wednesday News Podcast: Governor Baker Orders Additional Business Closures, Temporarily Prohibits Utility Shutoffs; Jobless Claims Increase

News Podcast – Weather – News from Salem (Below) – Local Photos – Videos of the Day

Governor Baker orders additional business closures, temporarily prohibits utility shutoffs; Jobless claims increase; Essex Police Police Chief considers staffing changes; Salvation Army locations impacted; Manchester Cricket publisher focuses on local, credible information

North Shore Today newscast with Bill Newell and Rick Moore


Whale Watch: Today marks the 6th straight day there have been sightings of Right Whales off of Nahant, located near Egg Rock

Weather Day Planner, just 40s


Food Bags Prepared by Beverly Bootstraps for Families in Need

Photo – Marty Smith

City of Salem Seeks Volunteers for Senior Check-In Calls

Salem Together initiative coordinating City-wide volunteer well-being calls

 SALEM – The City of Salem, through Salem Together, is seeking volunteers to help place regular check-in phone calls to Salem seniors during the COVID-19 public health emergency.

Volunteers can offer to help by filling out the form online at Within the next week volunteers will be matched up with a short list of seniors to call once or twice a week and provided with a suggested script and set of questions.

“I’m so grateful to the nearly 100 volunteers who have already signed up to help through Salem Together,” said Mayor Kim Driscoll. “If you have a few minutes each week to give to these well-being check-in calls, this is an easy way you can help from the comfort and safety of your own home. I hope all Salem residents who are able to will consider signing up and ‘adopting’ some of our older neighbors to touch base with during these difficult times.”

News From North Shore Navigators

We will continue to closely monitor the COVID-19 situation and are in constant communication with our local authorities as well as the Futures Collegiate  Baseball League.
In the meantime, we are working hard to prepare for the upcoming season, which is still scheduled to begin on Wednesday, May 27.  Our main goal  is to offer a fun, safe environment for everyone who walks into Fraser Field,  and we look forward to coming back together at the park this summer.
We will be sure to share any additional information as it becomes available.   We hope that you and your loved ones are in good health and remain safe

Video of the Day – Too much Candid Camera?

Bonus Video of the Day – Jim Gaffigan

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