Wednesday, 4/26 – Salem Mayoral Forum Tonight – Peabody Mayor Shares Open Space Update – Salem Little League Parade (Sunday)

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Below – Peabody Mayor Ted Bettencourt on open space

Podcast – Salem Mayoral candidates discuss offshore wind project

Weather – Cloudy start to today, temps in the low 50s. Some sunshine later today.

Community News Notes – Photos – Sports

Peabody Open Space Update

City of PeabodyMayor Ted Bettencourt outlines the City’s plan to acquire and preserve 80 acres of open space adjacent to the Welch School, Spring Pond, Cedar Grove Cemetery, and the Meadow at Peabody golf course. A developer recently presented plans to build hundreds of units of housing on a portion of this land near Marlborough Road and the Peabody-Salem-Lynn borders. “This area of our city is already heavily developed and additional housing would severely impact traffic, tax our water and sewer system, and further stretch the already limited capacity of our classrooms,” Mayor Bettencourt said. “Instead, most of this land will be preserved as open space in perpetuity with an option to utilize some acreage to increase capacity at the golf course and cemetery.”

City of SalemPlay ball! Salem Little League Parade which will occur on Sunday 4-30-23 at 10am. The parade will start at the SSU O’Keefe Center, travel up Forest, crossing Lafayette, down Clifton into Forest River Park. Streets will be blocked as the parade passes.

Town of DanversOne week until the Annual Town Election!  Voting will occur at the Danvers High School Field House from 7 AM to 8 PM.  Check out the sample ballot,  


North Shore Juneteenth AssociationRegister Here

City of LynnThe Lynn Water & Sewer Commission’s Hydrant Flushing Program will take place during the months of April, May, and June. To view the schedule and locations of flushing, please visit


City of NewburyportThe Newburyport Health Department will be hosting a spring Blood Drive on Tuesday, May 2nd from 2pm to 7pm. The event will take place at the Senior Community Center at 331 High Street. Learn more here:




Peabody Athletics – Peabody Basketball Star Taylor Bettencourt recognized as a Boston Herald Winter All Scholastic Honorable Mention for 2023 Basketball Season! Congrats Taylor!


Rockport Athletics – Softball




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