You are here:HomeTuesday, June 25: Massachusetts Defends Access to Abortion; Push for Statewide Ban on Plastic Bags; Cause of Sunday Fire in Gloucester Determined to be Accidental – Salem Teachers Reject Proposal
Tuesday, June 25: Massachusetts Defends Access to Abortion; Push for Statewide Ban on Plastic Bags; Cause of Sunday Fire in Gloucester Determined to be Accidental – Salem Teachers Reject Proposal
NST Extra – Salem School Committee members Mary Manning, Dominick Pangallo, Manny Cruz, and Beth Anne Cornell For Salem provide an update following Monday’s negotiations
Weather – Sunny…mid 80s
Community Announcements – Photos – Sports (Below)
Gloucester – Cape Ann Museum
“1st Peoples: Portraits of the First Light” opens this Sat., 6/29! The contemporary photo narratives by Matika Wilbur (Swinomish & Tulalip) feature original stewards of what is now known as New England including Nipmuc, Wampanoag, Shinnecock, Passsamaquody, & Penobscot peoples.
Town of Hamilton Utile, the town’s consultant to develop a form-based code for the town center, has created a project website. #HamiltonM
Town of Wenham – A reminder that Wenham residents may pick-up compost anytime at Iron Rail located at 91 Grapevine Rd, Wenham, MA 01984. Each resident will be limited to two 5 Gallon buckets full of compost per season. No Contractors. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Salem – Salem Public Schools@SalemSchoolsk12Great stuff from@MaddieKhaw on the great work of our students and educators at @cmshappenings and partners at @WPSInstitute . Studio learning is working in Salem
Senator Ed Markey met with Collins Middle School students (from left) Ella Coates (grade 7) and Liana Galvan (grade 8) during a tour of the school.JOSH REYNOLDS FOR THE BOSTON GLOBE/Josh Reynolds for The Boston Globe
Lynn Police Dept @LynnPoliceDept
Expect increased speeding enforcement in the Cedar Brook Road area. Sharing traffic enforcement information on social media, is something new that we are exploring, in order to bring public awareness and compliance to traffic laws.
St. Mary’s Basketball
Congrats to@AhjeaneeH on being named the MVP of the annual @Agganisfdn girls basketball classic tonight at Lynn Classical. AJ had 15 points in her final appearance as a high school player representing St. Mary’s.
Football @StJohnsPrepFB
Two of our finest! Congratulations to these two young men on a tremendous honor. #Earned #117
Great night celebrating these two great students, boys, captains and athletes! Way to go @Mattycal42 and @MasonMcSweeney5 for receiving the National Football Foundation Scholar Athlete Award! #Team117@StJohnsPrepFB