Newburyport Parking Restrictions – State Street

Please be advised there will be no parking on the southeast side of State Street starting on Tuesday, January 3, 2023 through April 20, 2023: Monday – Friday from 6am to 5pm for the National Grid infrastructure project. State Street will not be closed, and all businesses and residences will remain accessible.
Typical natural gas main replacement and service construction includes marking out underground utilities, excavation of the street and laying of new gas main, and relaying National Grid customer’s individual gas services and connecting that service to the new main. The City will remain in contact with National Grid throughout this work and questions can be directed to the Department of Public Services at (978) 465-4464.
We apologize for any inconvenience and please reach out with any questions.
Thank you,
The Department of Public Services
Georgetown Fire Dept Toy Drive
GEORGETOWN — Acting Chief Chuck Savage is very pleased to announce that, thanks to the generous spirit of residents and the business community, Georgetown firefighters collected a total of 3,539 toys for Toys for Tots during the holiday season.
On Sunday, Dec. 4, members of the Fire Department, accompanied by Santa, drove through the streets of Georgetown collecting new toys from residents for the 27th annual Santa Tour. They covered more than 65 miles of road during the course of 11 hours.
Approximately 3,000 toys were collected during the tour. The Department also collected 46 bicycles donated by the Donahue family of North Street and members of the Church of Latter-Day Saints in Georgetown. Many residents also chose to drop toys directly off at the Fire Department throughout the month.
The tour was supported by nearly 70 volunteers including members of Georgetown Police, Georgetown Highway, Georgetown Schools, U.S. Marine Corps Reserve and G. Mello Disposal. Georgetown Fire thanks Freedom Pest Control — the event’s premier sponsor — for providing sweatshirts to all volunteers, Georgetown Cafe for providing volunteers breakfast, the Morrison Family and Olympia Kennels for lunch, as well as Levia and the Cheesecake Factory of Peabody for dinner and dessert.
“Each year, I become more and more proud of our small community’s overwhelming generosity during this beloved tradition,” Acting Chief Savage said. “I extend a sincere thank you to all the residents, businesses and volunteers for all they did to support this wonderful initiative. Their kindness undoubtedly made a positive impact on a child in need this holiday season.”
Santa has visited Georgetown since the mid-1990s accompanied by Georgetown Fire Department vehicles and greeting children and their parents for the Santa Tour. Georgetown Fire began collecting toys during the tour to benefit Toys for Tots, a foundation started by the U.S. Marine Corps, in 2000.
Georgetown Fire is the largest supplier of toys for the Toys for Tots Foundation in Essex County. Over the years, the Department has collected nearly 80,000 toys for children who might otherwise go without a gift on Christmas.
GEORGETOWN — Deputy Chief Matt McKay and members of the Georgetown Fire Department would like to congratulate and recognize Acting Chief Chuck Savage ahead of his upcoming retirement.
Acting Chief Savage officially retires on Saturday, Dec. 31 after a more than 45-year-long career in fire service.
Acting Chief Savage joined the Georgetown Fire Department as a call firefighter in 2004 where he rose through the ranks. He was promoted to Lieutenant in 2006, Captain in 2019 and finally to Acting Chief in May 2021.
Prior to serving in Georgetown, he was a member of the Cold Spring Habor, N.Y. Fire Department. He joined the volunteer department in 1976, was promoted to rescue lieutenant in 1977, the same year he became an EMT, and to assistant Chief in 1981. He then served as Chief from 1987-89. He continued working there until 1999. Acting Chief Savage had the pleasure of serving alongside his father who was also a member of the department from 1938 to 2002.
“On behalf of the Georgetown Fire Department, I congratulate Chuck on a long and successful career in fire service and wish him all the best as he enters the next chapter of his life. It has been a true honor working and learning alongside him, and he should be very proud of all his hard work, dedication, and commitment to our community over the years,” Deputy Chief McKay said.
Deputy Chief McKay will succeed Acting Chief Savage as Fire Chief on Jan. 1.
“It has been an honor serving and protecting the residents of Georgetown for nearly 20 years alongside the many dedicated men and women of the Georgetown Fire Department,” Acting Chief Savage said. “I thank all the firefighters and town officials who I have had the pleasure of working with throughout my career for all of their support, guidance and professionalism over the years. I retire confident that I am leaving the department in excellent and very capable hands.”

After 3 years of Covid precautions and disruptions, a full Nahant elementary school music program re-launches!
Students from the Johnson Elementary School perform at the Dec. 23, Holiday Concert. (Photo Courtesy Johnson Elementary School)
NAHANT — After three years of indoor singing and trumpets, trombones, flutes and clarinets being restricted from being played, these opportunities are being relaunched at the Johnson School. This October the school hired a choral music teacher and alum of the school, Carol Hanson. Over the past several weeks she has supported a Veteran’s Day concert and has been preparing the students for its first Holiday Concert in several years.
More recently she has been joined by pianist and trombone player Scott Bullock, a musician with experience directing school bands in Medford and with training from the New England Conservatory. Bullock will begin teaching band instruments through the use of the recorder, then quickly move students in Grades 4-6 on to the instrument of their choice.
On Friday, Dec. 23, students in grades K-6 each took a turn on the stage with their classmates. Bullock integrated bells, chimes, and some lighthearted costuming in order to increase the level of engagement with the songs that they selected. Together the instructors brought down the house, leading 125 students to a joyous performance for their classmates and families, as they closed out the 2022 calendar year.
Salem: Museum Place Garage temporary closure

Please be advised that beginning at 6PM on Monday, January 9th, weather permitting, access to the third and fourth levels of the Museum Place Garage will not be permitted. Contractors will begin work on Tuesday morning , January 10th to complete some additional work to the roof above the ramp leading up to the third level of the facility. This work is expected to take approximately one week, weather permitting. Individuals are allowed to leave their vehicles on the third and fourth levels but will not be able to leave the garage until work is completed.
Salem Housing Stability Service: January-February 2023 / Estabilidad de Vivienda: Enero-Febrero 2023
- Drop-In Hours / Horario de atención
- Hotline / Línea Directa: 978-500-0973
- Website / Sitio Web:
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