Town of Newbury Receives $133,950 State Grant to Update Elementary School Energy Management System

NEWBURY – The Town of Newbury has received a $133,950 grant from the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (DOER).

The funding will be used to update the energy management system in Newbury Elementary School. The new system will use sensors and computers to automatically control building processes, allowing for improved energy efficiency and reduced energy costs.

The new system is expected to save $23,273 annually in costs associated with electric and natural gas usage.

Town Planner Kristen Grubbs applied for the grant to address Newbury Elementary School’s high energy usage. The school currently accounts for one-third of the municipality’s annual usage.

Department of Public Works Director James Sarette and Town partners at the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission also assisted in the grant application process.

The installation of the new system is projected to be completed by the spring of 2025.

“This grant is essential in moderating energy use and improving the functionality of our energy management system,” said Town Administrator Tracy Blais. “I would like to thank Kristen, James and the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission for their dedication in securing the funding.”

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