The Commonwealth’s two free “Stop the Spread” COVID-19 testing sites in Salem will remain open through December 31, 2021. One site is a walk-up site located downtown, currently at St. Peter’s Church (24 St. Peter Street), and the other is a drive-through site located at Salem High School (77 Willson Street).
Currently, the hours of operation at both sites are expected to remain unchanged: Salem High School is open Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays 4pm-8pm; Saturdays 10am-3pm. The downtown site is open Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays 9am-3pm, and Friday’s 9am-2pm. These dates and hours are subject to change, based on holidays, weather, and the testing lab’s hours of operation. Testing site locations may also change, if necessary. Any updates will be posted on www.salem.com.
Both sites are providing free PCR tests with a turn-around time of approximately 1-2 days. Testing is free and no proof of insurance, residency, or citizenship is required. The City’s free rapid testing site, currently located at 135 Essex Street for the month of October, will not be open after October 31st. Residents can also receive a free COVID-19 test at any of the state’s “Stop the Spread” testing sites throughout Massachusetts; find more details at www.mass.gov/stopthespread. For more information about COVID-19 testing in Salem, please visit www.salem.com/testing.