Salem Celebrates the 4th! – Details

Please note the following information for those planning to attend the July 4th celebration in Salem:
- Be safe. To ensure a safe and fun celebration, the Salem Police Department will have enhanced security in place on July 4. Guests are asked to carry any items in clear plastic bags and be prepared for possible bag checks by uniformed officers.
- Say something. If you see something, say something to uniformed police at the celebration. In addition to officers who will be moving throughout the area all evening, you can also always find officers at the public safety tent, which will be clearly identifiable on site. Concerns can also be called into the Salem Police at (978) 744-1212.
- Derby Wharf access. Police will be monitoring access points into the Derby Wharf area throughout the afternoon and evening. Please plan for additional time to arrive at the wharf for the festivities.
- Please note that the following roads will be closed to vehicular traffic from 4:00pm until 11:00pm: Derby Street from Herbert Street to Daniels Street, and Orange Street and Curtis Street at Essex Street.
- Parking will not be allowed on the following streets from 7:00am through 11:00pm: Derby Street from Herbert Street to Daniels Street, on Orange Street, and a portion of Herbert Street. Also, Parking will not be allowed on the following street from 3:00pm to 11:00pm: Derby Street from Congress Street to Herbert Street. Please remove all vehicles from the street or they will be towed
- Avoid driving to Derby Wharf. Seek parking downtown in a lot, Museum Place Garage on New Liberty Street, or the South Harbor Garage on Congress Street, which are all available for parking. There is overflow parking at Prime Group Shetland Park on Congress Street, or take the commuter rail or Salem Ferry ( to avoid anticipated traffic congestion. The last MBTA trains depart Salem station at 11:11 p.m. (southbound) and 12:00 a.m. (northbound/Newburyport Line) and 12:20 a.m. (northbound/Rockport Line).
- Handicapped parking. There is limited handicap parking at Derby Wharf, which is first-come first-serve, and there is a mobility impaired/wheelchair seating section reserved at the beginning of Derby Wharf, so attendees do not have to traverse the park’s terrain.
- Don’t bring fireworks. Salem has adopted the maximum fines allowable for both the sale ($1,000 fine) and use ($200 fine) of fireworks. In addition, a dedicated police unit will be tasked with enforcing the laws prohibiting the private use of fireworks. Please help ensure a safe July 4th for all and leave the fireworks to the professionals.
- Harbor access. Recreational boaters and other craft will be restricted from the area around Derby Wharf and the channel in Salem Harbor and the South River for much of the evening. Mariners can call the Harbormaster’s Office at 978-741-0098 or on VHF 16 for emergencies after hours or for more information.
For more information check or call Salem City Hall at 978-619-5600.