Podcast: Candidate Forums – Essex County Sheriff & District Attorney – Hear from Stefani Traina (League of Women Voters)

NORTH SHORE (Podcast) The Democratic Primary Election for Essex County Sheriff and Essex County District Attorney will be held on Tuesday September 6th. Voters will be able to watch a Zoom candidates forum this Thursday with the two Democrats running for sheriff and then on Thursday August 18 there will be a forum for District Attorney candidates. Flyers are posted below with additional informationAlso below is a complete list of partners assisting with the development of these two forums. The forums will be available on Zoom and there are links below to register for both forums.

Hear from Stefani Traina from the Andover / North Andover League of Women Voters as she updates listeners on how the candidate forums will run and additional voter information specific to these two races.


Stefani Traina with Bill Newell



Zoom registration link for 8/11 7pm Sheriff Forum – Click Here

Zoom registration link for 8/18 7pm DA Forum – Click Here

July 19 program hosted by Memorial Hall Library – Click Here

ACLU Program – Know Your Sheriff – Click Here

The Community Partners Hosting the Event 

American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts

Courageous Conversations Merrimack Valley

Essex County Community Organization

League of Women Voters Essex County Chapters

League of Women Voters of Massachusetts

Massachusetts Women of Color Coalition

NAACP Merrimack Valley Branch

NAACP North Shore Branch

The Dream Network


Next Week


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