Moulton Responds to Obama Administration’s Plan to Send Hundreds More American Troops to Iraq

Washington, D.C. – Defense Secretary Ash Carter just announced that the U.S. is sending about 600 additional Americans troops to Iraq for an operation to retake the Iraqi city of Mosul from ISIS. Congressman Seth Moulton (D-MA) issued the following statement in response to Secretary Carter’s speech:

“Secretary Carter’s announcement means that 600 more young Americans will put their lives on the line for our country. We cannot, in good conscience, continue to send young Americans into harm’s way without a clear plan, not just to win the war, but to ensure the ultimate success of the mission by securing the peace. That’s the only way we can bring the troops home for good when they’re done.

“We cannot, in good conscience, continue to send young Americans into harm’s way without a clear plan.”

“I’ve been to Iraq several times in the past year to visit our troops where I’ve seen firsthand the impressive progress being made in the military’s fight against ISIS. But what we urgently need is a political plan so that we don’t have to send our troops back again and again to deal with ISIS 2.0. I’ve released a plan that I believe should guide our political strategy in Iraq, and I’ll continue to press the Obama Administration and future administrations to ensure that the sacrifices our troops have made, and continue to make, are not in vain.”

For the past two years, Moulton has spoken about the need to defeat ISIS and prevent its potential successors from taking root. He has conducted an extensive review of U.S. policies in Iraq, including three oversight visits to Iraq as a member of the House Armed Services Committee to meet with military generals, top foreign policy leaders, and our troops on the ground. This month, Moulton released a four-part political plan to secure peace and stability in Iraq.

Moulton served as a Marine infantry officer in Iraq during some of the most difficult periods of fighting, and he later focused on the tasks of reconstruction and stabilization. In a speech two weeks ago at the United States Institute of Peace, Moulton noted how these experiences led to his clear understanding of the importance of having a clearly defined strategy – both military and political – as foundational to securing peace in the Middle East.

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