Memorial Day Weekend on the North Shore
City of Beverly – The City’s Memorial Day ceremonies are this Sunday in Beverly Farms at 8 am and Independence Park at 11 am.
City of Salem
City of Peabody – The City of Peabody will once again hold its annual Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony on Monday, May 27th.

Town of Danvers
The 2024 Danvers Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony will take place on Monday, May 27th, starting and ending this year at a new venue – the Holten Richmond Middle School, 55 Conant Street, Danvers. The parade will kick off promptly from this new starting and ending point at 9 a.m. and follow its customary route. Traditional stops and placement of wreaths will occur at the Danvers Square Memorial Flagpole, the Town Hall Memorials and Porter’s Burial Ground on High St.. All Danvers veterans are invited to participate in the parade in their civilian capacity, with a handicapped accessible trolley provided for those who are unable to march.
“Memorial Day is a special time to honor the courage and dedication of our servicemen and women. We must be aware of the deep debt of gratitude owed to them by our entire community,” stated Kelley Rayos-Teixeira, Director of Veterans’ Services.
This year, Jim Ciman, a highly esteemed veteran who served with distinction as Chief Petty Officer in the US Navy Seabees and as Sergeant First Class in the Army National Guard, including deployment during Operation Iraqi Freedom, has been bestowed the honor of Grand Marshal for 2024. His selection by the Danvers Veterans Council stands as a testament to his unwavering commitment and service.
The Memorial Day Ceremony will occur upon completion of the parade (approx. 10 a.m.) at this year’s new venue – inside the Auditorium of the Holten Richmond Middle School. There will be performances by the Danvers High School Marching Band, the Danvers High School Advanced Chorus, Musket Salutes by the Danvers Alarm List and the Roll Call of deceased veterans.
Dick Moody, President of the Danvers Veterans Council, has expressed gratitude for the community’s recognition of soldiers’ sacrifices and urges residents to honor the patriotism displayed by these courageous individuals.
In the event of adverse weather conditions, a notice of parade cancellation will be posted on the Town of Danvers website by 7:00 am on May 27th (
Town of Wenham
City of Gloucester
Town of Marblehead
Town of Swampscott – May 25, 2024 – Join us for the re-dedication of the Memorial Tree Arboretum on the Lawn at Town Hall….11:00am. All are welcome for the re-dedication that will honor those who have served.
May 27, 2024 at 10:00am – MEMORIAL DAY CEREMONY at Swampscott Cemetery in the Veterans Section. To honor Swampscott’s and our Nation’s fallen.
Salem Mayor Dominick Pangallo – This year, as we approach 80th anniversary of D Day, the O’Donnell veterans appreciation celebration especially recognized our WWII veterans, with moving stories & reflections on their service & experiences. Thanks to MA Deputy Secretary of Veterans Services for joining, as well!