MANCHESTER – Superintendent Pam Beaudoin and Principal Patricia Puglisi invite incoming ninth-graders and their families to learn more about Manchester Essex Regional High School at the annual Transition to High School Night.
The program will be held on Thursday, Jan. 26, beginning at 6 p.m. at the High School.
School administrators will share details about the academic program, along with course selection and scheduling. Students and families will learn about the high school curriculum, opportunities for greater learning, and elective offerings which include the arts, business, technology, music and more.
High School students will share their experiences. Ample time will be available for audience questions.
“The Transition Night allows MERHS to showcase our programs for current MERSD families and those considering returning to MERSD. We invite students and parents to join us in learning about our innovative and student-centered offerings,” Principal Puglisi said.
The program will be recorded and posted on the District website for those who are unable to attend.
All information pertaining to the transition process can be found here. This page will be updated as more information becomes available.
Anyone with questions about the program may contact Principal Puglisi at