(Audio) Manchester-by-the-Sea Police Chief Todd Fitzgerald: Police, Manchester Essex Regional School District to Host Regional Active Attacker Response Training

Manchester-by-the-Sea – Police Chief Todd Fitzgerald and Superintendent Pam Beaudoin announce that the Manchester-by-the-Sea Police Department and Manchester Essex Regional School District will host advanced active attacker response training this weekend.

Manchester-by-the-sea Police Chief Todd Fitzgerald

The Active Attack Integrated Response Course (AAIR), crafted by Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT), is designed to improve integration among law enforcement, fire, tele-communicators, and EMS in active attack/shooter events.

Training is coordinated by John Mazza and Scott Cluet through the Municipal Police Training Council’s Active Shooter/Hostile Event Response (ASHER) program. Members of the Manchester-by-the-Sea Fire Department, Essex Police and Fire Departments, and Rockport Police and Fire Departments will participate.

Training will take place on Saturday, Oct. 26, and Sunday, Oct. 27, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Manchester Memorial Elementary School.

Residents should be aware that there will be increased public safety and law enforcement presence near the school this weekend.

Police will be using department radios to simulate real-life scenarios during training. Community members who may follow scanners are asked to remain calm as this is part of the exercise.

“Our first responders will receive important real-time feedback to make us more effective in a number of incident responses,” Chief Fitzgerald said. “We always hope we will never have to confront such a situation, but it’s vital that we train for the possibility.”

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