Lynnfield Center Water District Begins Spring Flushing Program

LYNNFIELD – The Lynnfield Center Water District will conduct high-velocity water main flushing of the distribution system starting on Thursday, April 20 through the middle of May.

The flushing program is part of the District’s ongoing maintenance, which is necessary to ensure the integrity of its delivery system and pipeline, and ensure the highest level of customer service.

Crews will perform hydrant tests and flow tests during regular working hours, generally from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Most of the flushing will take place in the Apple Hill, Chestnut and Lowell Street neighborhoods from Main Street toward North Reading. LCWD also plans to possibly expand its regular Spring area by flushing in the neighborhood along Main Street from Chestnut Street toward Wakefield. This expanded area will be weather-dependent and scheduling will be based on demand on the system when the program reaches this neighborhood.

Residents are encouraged to refer to the District’s website at www.LCWD.US for the complete schedule of dates and times for flushing. Schedule changes and updates will be posted on the Department website, Facebook and Twitter.

Flushing may cause discolored water, low pressure, or temporary loss of pressure. Residents with discolored water should run cold water for a short period of time to clear the line.

Residents are also advised to avoid doing laundry during the flushing period when testing and hydrants are flowing on your street and to check their water first by running cold water for a few minutes after each day’s flushing period before starting their washing machine.

Customers who experience lower pressure at their faucet after the flushing, should check the faucet screen for particles which may have collected and clean it out if necessary.

Customers with questions may contact the District office at 781-334-3901. The office is generally open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily.

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