IPSWICH — Police Chief Paul Nikas announced this week that the Ipswich Police Department was recently honored by AAA Northeast, receiving a 2022 Silver Community Traffic Safety Award.
AAA traffic safety awards recognize achievement in areas including pedestrian, bicycle, and school bus safety, teen driving, senior safety, seatbelt checkpoints, and distracted driving or impaired driving.
Some of the Ipswich Police Department’s initiatives included:
- Having an officer assigned to Ipswich’s Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Board
- Conducting saturation patrols using traffic grants from Executive Office of Public Safety and Security
- Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over drunk driving campaign
- Click it or Ticket
- Conducting two free installation days for child passenger seats to include educating parents on proper installation
- Advanced training for officers on LIDAR, Accident Reconstruction, and impaired driver detection
- Purchased two electronic pole-mounted speed signs with tracking software to identify streets with excessive speeding so the Department can conduct target enforcement and education patrols
The Silver Award was given for Ipswich’s overall outstanding achievements in traffic safety and continuing efforts to educate and protect residents.
“The Ipswich Police Department takes great pride in our efforts and hard work to protect our community,” Chief Nikas said. “We are very grateful to AAA for recognizing our hard work, and I commend every member of our Ipswich Police Department for their efforts.”