Gloucester Police Report on Early Successes Since Start of ANGEL Initiative

GLOUCESTER — Police Chief Leonard Campanello, Mayor Sefatia Romeo Theken, and the Gloucester Police Department are pleased to announce that the early returns are positive for the Gloucester ANGEL Initiative.

Since June 1, 260 people have been placed in treatment. In addition, 34 police departments in nine states have joined with the new Police Assisted Addiction and Recovery Initiative (P.A.A.R.I.) to create their own addiction outreach and treatment programs. This includes 17 police departments in Massachusetts.

“We are very encouraged by what we’re seeing so far. Most importantly, every person who has come to us has been placed in treatment within a day, which has quieted the “no beds” opinions,” Chief Campanello said. “Now, we are also beginning to see other benefits in crime statistics and monetary costs that also show us that we appear to be on the right path with the ANGEL Initiative.”

Read the entire press release by clicking HERE

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