Gloucester Fire Department Provides Ice Safety Tips

BEWARE OF ICE! During the winter months, it can be tempting to venture out onto frozen waterways, but we urge caution and remind residents that no ice is 100% safe ice. You should always consider ice potentially dangerous, as it’s impossible to judge ice conditions by appearance or thickness alone. Many factors, including water depth, the size of the body of water, water chemistry, currents, snow cover, age of ice, and local weather conditions, will impact ice strength.

One significant risk factor associated with winter ice activities is falling through the ice, which can lead to fatal and non-fatal winter drownings.

If you see someone in danger, remember the phrase “Preach-Reach-Throw-Go.”

📢 Preach: If possible, call 911 and let the victim know help is on the way. Reassure the victim and keep them calm.

🫴 Reach: If it is safe to reach the victim from shore, extend a sturdy object for the victim to grab.

🛟 Throw: If it is safe to do so, toss the end of a rope or a flotation device to the victim.

🚑 Go: If a situation becomes too dangerous, go find help. Untrained rescuers can often become victims.

Avoid walking or driving on ice-bound bodies of water — ice thickness can be deceiving. Stay safe!

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