On Thursday, September 28, 2023 the Gloucester Department of Public Works (DPW) will begin the annual fall distribution system disinfectant switch from monochloramine to chlorine. On Thursday, September 28, 2023, the DPW will begin targeted distribution system flushing to establish chlorine throughout the distribution system. After two to five weeks following the disinfectant switch, the DPW will switch back to monochloramine from chlorine and the DPW will then flush throughout the distribution system to restore monochloramine.
The annual distribution system fall disinfectant switch has greatly helped the DPW with the maintenance of water quality in the distribution system. This switch in disinfectant, is a common practice used as preventive maintenance to kill bacteria that, though harmless when consumed by humans, can introduce unwanted taste and odor, and create issues with maintaining a disinfectant residual.
During the switch to chlorine in the distribution system, a chlorine odor may be noticeable, which will not be noticeable when we return to monochloramine. If discolored water is experienced, running of cold water is recommended as flushing can disturb normal flow patterns. If water quality problems persist please contact the DPW at (978) 325-5680, so spot flushing can be performed.