Friday, 12/23 – Windy, Rainy, Some Storm Damage – State House Election Heading to Court – Local School Updates


Weather – National Weather Service – Winds are picking up and will peak this morning. Many areas in RI & E MA are reporting 50-55 mph gusts and some locations will see 65 mph gusts over next few hours. Be prepared for downed branches/trees & wires if venturing out! Today: Strong winds, rain, 50s. Windy cold on Saturday.



Community News Notes – Photos – Sports (Below)

City of Beverly – Trash & Recycling update! Pick-up is on schedule this week but will be delayed over the following two weeks. Missed pick up? Call Republic at 1-800-323-4285!



Swampscott Library – The Swampscott Public Library will be closed on Saturday 12/24, Sunday 12/25, Monday 12/26, Saturday 12/31, Sunday 1/01, and Monday 1/02. All other days are regular hours. From our library family to yours, we wish you a happy new year!


Hamilton PoiiceHere is a small sampling from our Toy Drive Saturday. So many donations continued to come in after we had “wrapped” up, a 3rd(!) Shriner’s van did another pickup on Wednesday. Also thank’s to Wintrey FudgeĀ  for their generous donation of chocolate badges Santa was handing out!





City of NewburyportThe Mayor will give the State of the City Address at 7pm on 1/25 in the City Hall Auditorium, followed by the Mayor’s Community and Public Service Awards. You can nominate individuals and learn more here:



Essex Tech Hockey – Varsity and JV players donating to the Holiday Toy Drive for the Salvation Army. Go Hawks!!


Peabody Athletics – Peabody Boys Basketball has a special visitor tonight!




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