Friday, 1/20 – News Today Features: Housing; Education; New Grocery Store to Open on North Shore

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Weather – Snow showers possible today, highs 30s. Minor coastal flooding across the east coast for the AM high tide today. Given the high astronautically tides we may still have minor splash over through the weekend.

Community News Notes – Photos – Sports (Below)

City of BeverlyThank you everyone who came out last weekend to #recycle your styrofoam! Special thank you to all of the volunteers!


City of Lynn – Tuesday night, we welcomed 9 new officers to the Lynn Police Department. On behalf of the City, we wish you continued safety and success on your careers ahead!



Peabody Institute Library – Stop by the South Branch Library this Saturday morning to pick up a craft kit for kids! Put the craft together at the Library or take it home with you. All materials are provided, and kits are available while supplies last.


Rep. Ann-Margaret Ferrante – This weekend, Gloucester kicked off its 400th anniversary with Overture for 2023! As we mark Gloucester’s history, we also look to the future. I had the pleasure to introduce keynote speaker David Walt to discuss what he thinks our city will look like in another 100 years.



Continued, I also had the opportunity to interview Grace Carey, a daughter of Gloucester and student at the Gloucester Biotechnology Academy, to discuss the opportunity that GBA has given her



Manchester-Essex Schools 


North Shore Community College – Congratulations to our 27 recently capped Practical Nursing students!! While caps are not part of our uniform today, this capping ceremony signifies the success and dedication of the students who have made it to the halfway point of the program.


Peabody Essex MuseumDon’t miss your chance to visit “Down to the Bone: Edward Koren and Stephen Gorman” before it closes on Sunday, February 5. The exhibition combines the drawings of the New Yorker artist Ed Koren and the nature photography of Stephen Gorman. Read more: Click here



Central Catholic High School – New Football Coach


Masconomet High School CheerNCA Ready ! See you soon, Texas


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