Ernesto Churn Causes Beach Closures in Gloucester

GLOUCESTER – On Wednesday, August 21, the Gloucester Health Department closed Plum Cove, Cressy’s, and Half Moon beaches due to enterococci exceedances.  The department also kept Good Harbor Creek closed following a second day of enterococci exceedances.  The beaches will remain closed until both single test result and/or geomean levels return to normal levels.

Over 37 marine beaches, 21 from Boston and the North Shore, have closed this week because of enterococci exceedance due in part to the churn created by Hurricane Ernesto’s strong currents in combination with astronomical high tides.

The Department will test each day and send the test samples to a Massachusetts Department of Public Health approved laboratory who will test and report the results to the State and the Gloucester Board of Health.  The beaches will reopen once normal thresholds have been met.

Beach visitors are advised not to swim at these beaches until reopened because of the risk of illness.  Exposure to enterococci can cause urinary tract infections, wound infections, upper respiratory and intra-abdominal illness, and other serious health conditions. Beach goers should respect all posted signage regarding beach closures.

For more information regarding beach closures and test results visit the Massachusetts Interactive Beach Water Quality Dashboard. 

Click here for information regarding Gloucester Health Department testing of local beaches.

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