City of Salem Updates Protocols – Must Wear Masks Entering Stores or Picking up Takeout Food – Click for Details

SALEM – The City of Salem continues to advance measures to help slow the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19), lessen impacts on healthcare providers responding to this evolving situation, and support Salem residents and businesses during this public health emergency. To view previous updates, please visit and click on a previous COVID-19 update. 

New Updates 

  • The Salem Board of Health today issued an order requiring the use of face coverings by members of the public when entering a grocery store, picking up food from a restaurant, or entering other essential businesses that is currently open. Read the complete order at The order also, among other actions, (a) requires face coverings be worn by any employee interacting with the public, (b) requires face coverings be worn by any resident of a multi-unit residential property when in a common space, and (c) extends the state’s order limiting the number of people in a grocery store ( to also apply to all other open retail establishments. 
  • As there is currently a local state of emergency, the Salem Police shall fine those caught littering masks, gloves, or other potentially virus-contaminated items under both the City’s anti-littering ordinance (Section 24-9) and the public nuisance ordinance (Section 24-24), as such actions intentionally and recklessly “create a hazardous or physically offensive condition” to the public. Fines for each violation of both ordinances will be imposed on violators, for a total potential fine of $100 for a first offense, $300 for a second offense, and $600 for a third offense.
  • The City of Salem, in partnership with many of the city’s historical organizations and preservation partners, is launching a Salem Together history page at This new page will share stories every Monday, starting on April 13th, that draw on Salem’s rich history to show how the community has come together throughout uncertain times in the past. 
  • The City of Salem has launched an Economic Development Recovery and Revitalization Task Force to support the local business community as it works to recover from the COVID-19 outbreak and the ensuing economic challenges. The group is meeting twice weekly to determine short- and long-term needs for the business community and strategize revitalization efforts. The Task Force will provide regular updates to the business community regarding available opportunities, assistance, and best practices. The Task Force today issued an update following its recent Coronavirus Impact Survey. Read the update here: 
  • New on listing of Salem restaurants offering take-out or delivery and how to donate to the Essex County Community Organization’s “No One Stands Alone” fund. 

Status of Cases

As of 4:00 p.m. on April 9, 2020, 117 Salem residents have tested positive for novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and three Salem residents have died from the virus. Additional data about Salem COVID-19 cases is below.

For more information about COVID-19, please visit and Mass DPH has posted an FAQ at and has activated an information line that can be reached by dialing 2-1-1.



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