City of Salem: Mack Park Farm to Host Event for Massachusetts 1 st Annual Urban Agriculture Week

Friday, August 16 th from 9am – 10am
Mack Park Farm, 31 Grove Street, Salem, MA

The Mack Park Farm, a community farm operated by the City of Salem in Salem, MA, was
selected by the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) as a site to
highlight for its 1 st Annual Urban Agriculture Week from August 10-16, setting the groundwork
for this new annual event.

The Mack Park Farm generates over 6,000 pounds of fresh, organically grown produce per
season that is provided for free to the community through its biweekly farmers’ markets and its
partners at The Salem Pantry. The farm has greatly benefited from MDAR’s Urban Agriculture
funding, allowing the purchase of a walk-in cooler, supplies for a water-catchment system and
shelving for its hoop house.

MDAR’s Urban Agriculture Program, established in 2014, provides financial support to advance
the Commonwealth’s food security objectives, leverage collective resources, and support
commercial projects designed to increase the production, processing, and marketing of
produce grown and sold in urban centers across the state. The Program expanded its scope of
funding with the addition of Community Gardens (2020) and Community Food Production
(2022) to expand growing opportunities for projects like the Mack Park Farm.

Projects that have been funded address food insecurity and increase access to fresh, local
produce in urban neighborhoods with a high concentration of low-moderate income residents.
The event is rain or shine, but any schedule changes will be posted on

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