City of Salem Again Offering Free COVID-19 Tests for Salem Residents Only

SALEM, MA – The City of Salem will again offer free COVID-19 PCR tests for Salem residents only starting on Saturday January 1, 2022, with the intention of continuing the free testing on Saturdays for several additional weeks through the winter.

Testing through the program, known as the Salem Coronavirus Awareness Network, or SCAN, is by appointment only and will take place at the Mayor Jean Levesque Community Life Center (CLC), 401 Bridge Street, from 12:00 noon to 6:00 p.m. on Saturday January 1, 2022.

Walk-ins will not be accepted at this site and proof of residency is required when registering for your appointment time. No proof of citizenship or insurance are necessary to register or receive a test. Register for your appointment time at As additional dates and times become available, they will be added to the registration portal.

Bring a copy of your appointment confirmation and proof of residency to your appointment. Please do NOT arrive more than 30 minutes before your appointment time. The entrance to the testing site is on the side of the building. Masks are required to be worn over the mouth and nose when inside the building.

SCAN tests are administered by trained EMTs from Cataldo Ambulance via anterior nasal swab and are processed at the Broad Institute via RT-PCR. Test results, whether positive or negative, are returned to you by email from CareEvolve within 24-48 hours. If you do not receive a result in 48 hours, please call 844-422-8253.

Salem residents can also continue to receive free COVID-19 testing at any of the “Stop the Spread” testing sites in Massachusetts, including the two sites in Salem at Salem High School and St. Peter’s Church, and the Curative site in Salem at Riley Plaza. Find more details about these sites at Find Stop the Spread sites outside of Salem at

As additional dates and times for the SCAN program are made available, they will be announced at and on the City’s social media channels.

“With the rapid rise in COVID-19 cases following the holidays we wanted to ensure that every Salem resident who needed a test, whether for travel, work, school, or just peace of mind, was able to get a test,” said Mayor Kim Driscoll. “The demand for testing is extremely high right now, so I encourage residents to be patient and only seek testing if they absolutely need it. Together we can help keep one another safe, reduce the likelihood of additional spread of the virus, and lessen the significant burden currently facing our hospitals and frontline healthcare workers.”

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