City of Newburyport Sidewalk Snow Removal

The City of Newburyport would like to remind everyone that as we progress through winter, we all must continue to contribute into maintaining a safe environment for our pedestrians. After any snow and ice weather event, it is the property owner’s responsibility to maintain a safe path for pedestrians on any sidewalk adjacent to their property per the City of Newburyport, Code of Ordinance Section 12-52.

We understand the challenges of snow and ice removal; however, we must all do our part to keep our residents, especially children and the elderly, and visitors safe. This is especially paramount on streets with high vehicular traffic where walking in the roadway is not an option.

The City of Newburyport clears designated sidewalks downtown, sidewalks around the schools, and other city-owned property. You can learn more about the City’s Snow and Ice Plan by clicking here.

Thank you for doing your part and we all look forward to spring.

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