Cape Ann Artisans Updated Information & Media Advisor for August Mini-Tour

Based on the success of the July Mini-Tour, the Cape Ann Artisans look forward to a second one-day event on August 15th.   To beat the heat, the hours have been moved earlier.  Six of the studios will open at 8AM; Plum Cove Studios will open at 9AM and all will close at 4PM.

The participating artists include David Archibald, Cynthia Curtis, and Erin O’Sullivan & Scott Place (Twin Lights Studios) representing the ceramic arts.   They are joined by painter Jillian Demeri, sea glass jeweler Jacqueline Ganim-DeFalco, glass artist Beth Williams, and Pamela Stratton Mosaics.   The group has self-selected based on their ability to use outdoor spaces and welcome visitors safely.

Once again, the Artisans will take full advantage of their outdoor spaces to offer “safe” visiting and shopping.  The feedback from July was extremely encouraging with all artisans enjoying art sales, new regional visitors, former patrons, and people strolling the neighborhood and responding to the signature pink signage.   A Salem visitor shared her experience enthusiastically.

Our visit to the mini-tour of the Cape Ann Artisans could not have been more delightful. Under the restrictions of the Covid protocols, the artists were welcoming, informative and glad to have visitors. Their welcome was gracious and their art was impressive. We did buy ceramic lamp bases from David Archibald, and are thrilled with our purchase. We are very much looking forward to the next tour. And of course, Cape Ann is a work of art in itself.

Visitors can easily group the tour into geographic proximity by visiting the Gloucester artists and Rockport artists in sequence by neighborhood from East Gloucester, to downtown, to Riverdale, Lanesville, and Rockport (or reverse). The full Cape Ann Artisan Tour map can be downloaded at

Artists are all taking appointment by phone, email, and/or Square for visitors that would like to reserve a specific time.  Appointments will be given first priority if the studio is at Covid-compliant capacity.  Look for our pink flags to way-find to the open studios!

The Artisans have also confirmed the Fall Tour for Saturday and Sunday, October 10-11.   Details for the Fall Tour are forthcoming.    All the Cape Ann Artisans welcome appointments throughout the season and hope to hear directly from visitors.

Artisans ask for visitors to be Covid-Compliant, wear facial coverings, practice social distancing, and use hand sanitizer which will be available at each studio.

Here’s a re-cap:

What:  The August Cape Ann Artisans Summer Mini-Tour

Where: Gloucester and Rockport, MA.

When:   Saturday,  August 15th 8-4.   Plum Cove Studio 9-4.

Contact: or leave a message with Cynthia Curtis 978-546-6186


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