A Look Back, A Look Ahead: Area High School Football Coaches Eye “Fall 2,” Reflect on Thanksgiving Day Games

Note:  Check back from time to time for additional coaches’ interviews during Thanksgiving week

MANCHESTERBYTHESEA – Manhcester-Essex High School football coach Jeff Hutton participated in Thanksgiving Day rivalries in his home state of New Jersey, was an assistant coach at Beverly High School, and has led the Green Hornets against Georgetown in 5 holiday match-ups.

Manchester-Essex High School football coach Jeff Hutton

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IPSWICH – Ipswich High School football coach Kevin Fessette is a relative newcomer to the high school Thanksgiving Day football extravanganzas.  But, in a word, “he gets it.”

Ipswich High School football coach Kevin Fessette

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BEVERLY – Beverly High School football coach Andrew Morency has been part of the storied Beverly-Salem game for a long time both as a player and a coach; and while he misses the ordinary festivities of this year’s game, he is optimistic about the Panthers chances in Fall 2.

Beverly High School football coach Andrew Morency

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DANVERS – Danvers High School football coach Ryan Nolan enjoyed getting his team on the practice field this fall, even though there was no league competition.  He looks back on Thanksgiving Day as a day that capped a special 10-day period and has a very fond memory of his first win over Gloucester

Danvers High School football coach Ryan Nolan

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MARBLEHEAD – Marblehead High School football coach continues working with his athletes as the Magicians are planning ahead

Marblehead High School football coach Jim Rudloff

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GLOUCESTER – Massachusetts High School Football Hall of Fame Coach Paul Ingram recalls his days coaching as an assistant in Beverly, Danvers and Gloucester as well as his stints as head coach for the Falcons and later the Fisehermen

                                                        (Photo credit:  Gloucester Daily Times)

Former Gloucester High School football coach Paul Ingram

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