Weather – Sunny…breezy…upper 50s
Cape Ann Museum
#HappyBirthday to sculptor Anna Vaughn Hyatt Huntington (1876-1973)! For many years, Huntington maintained a summer sculpture studio in Annisquam. She favored figurative sculpture, and is well known for her monumental “Joan of Arc” in Downtown Gloucester.
North Reading Hornet Pics
An incredible season for the PLNR girls’ hockey team comes to a close after a hard playoff battle against Bishop Williams last saturday night. While you’re never truly happy unless you win it all, it’s so important to celebrate the journey and the accomplishments along the way. To this amazing group of athletes—your resilience, teamwork, and heart are unmatched. Here’s an album from the final game of the season.
To the seniors thank you for everything and all the best to you in the next chapter. It won’t be long before next year’s team starts to work and set their sights on accomplishing great things for the 2025-2026 season. Go Tanners!!
Triton HS Boys Basketball
Summer is almost here, which means so are summer hoop clinics at Triton! Register today: