Weather – Sunny…windy…near 30
City of Lynn
The City of Lynn invites you to the Lynn Tree Committee Meeting this Thurs, January 16th, 6pm–7pm online via Zoom.
City of Gloucester
City of Gloucester
Need to Dispose of Bulk Items? Here’s What You Need to Know!
For items that don’t fit in a purple bag:
Purchase a $10 Bulk Item Sticker. Examples include:
Plastic-cased vacuum cleaners
Entertainment centers
Where to Buy Stickers:
The Building Center on Harbor Loop
DPW Office on Poplar Street
For appliances, computer monitors, TVs, and dehumidifiers:
Stickers cost $30.
Items are picked up curbside once a month.
Stickers must be purchased by noon the day before pickup.
Cape Ann Veterans’ Services
This month’s lunch and learn is sponsored by the The Open Door. Come learn about the Open Doors Medically Tailored Grocery Program offering one-on-one nutrition counselling and FREE weekly groceries for individuals with high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes/prediabetes, weight management, cancer, HIV/AIDS, congestive heart failure, and chronic kidney disease.
Lunch will also be provided and sponsored by our friends at the Open Door.
Pentucket Athletics
Paige: Captain on girls hockey team. 4 gls+8 asts, big reason team is #3 in the state. Coach Kane called her “one of the best skaters in MA, provides energetic confidence to team”. Mason: Captain on wrestling team. 18-3 record. Finished 1st at Pent. Holiday Tourn + Pelham Tourn