City of Salem to Develop Five Year Consolidated Plan

Mayor Dominick Pangallo has announced that the City of Salem is developing its five-year Consolidated Plan to outline priority programs for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Home Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) funds that the City of Salem anticipates receiving over the next five years.   This funding assists income-eligible households and low- to moderate-income neighborhoods through a variety of programs, services and improvements.

“The Consolidated Plan will outline Salem’s housing, community and economic development programs and activities to be funded with CDBG and HOME funds over the next five years,” Mayor Pangallo said.  “Salem residents, businesses and service providers are encouraged to participate in the development of this plan as we continue our efforts to invest in and support residents and community members across our city.”

The Consolidated Plan is required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).  It will identify and prioritize the housing, community and economic development needs of Salem’s residents and determine the goals and strategies to address those needs.

To obtain broad community input, the City of Salem is holding numerous community meetings and focus groups including a Public Hearing on Wednesday, September 18th at 6:00 p.m. at 98 Washington Street, first floor conference room.  The remaining presentations are scheduled at various times and locations from September 3rd September 30th  and are listed on the City’s website, linked here.  All Salem community members are encouraged to participate in the Consolidated Planning process by attending one or more of the scheduled presentations and offering comments and recommendations.  The meetings will be facilitated by Amanda Chiancola, Deputy Director of Planning and Community Development and the City’s consultant, CEW Advisors.  Interested parties may also provide written comment addressed to the City of Salem Department of Planning and Community Development by November 2, 2024.  There will also be an on-line survey from September 3rd through November 4th linked here.

The Draft Consolidated Plan is expected to be available for public comment in March 2025 with the finalized plan submitted to HUD by May 2025.

Amanda Chiancola, AICP (she/her/hers)
Deputy Director
Department of Planning & Community Development

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