DANVERS – On Tuesday, August 1, 2023, the DPW Street Division was made aware of a sinkhole in the sidewalk on Beaver Park Road. The sinkhole was caused by the collapse of an existing 60-inch corrugated metal pipe connected on each end by precast concrete headwalls. The Town of Danvers Engineering Division has engaged with N. Granese & Sons, Inc., to assist in performing the emergency repair of the culvert.
Replacing the culvert will require disturbances to the existing water, sewer, and gas mains in the Beaver Park Road area. Temporary shutdowns of the water main to facilitate the installation of a new 60-inch reinforced concrete culvert will be necessary. The first planned water shutdown is scheduled for Friday, August 4, for homes on Roosevelt Drive, Brookside Avenue, and Beaver Park Road for the day from 8am-4pm. Additional shutdowns will be noticed separately, and you will be notified of these shutdowns in advance.
Beaver Park Road/Brookside Avenue intersection will be closed to all traffic starting on Monday, August 7. Detour signage will be utilized to allow traffic to enter either from Pickering Street or Maple Street to access your homes. The estimated time to complete the installation is 14 days. To divert the brook flow, bypass pumping using generators will be necessary. There will be noise overnight due to the generators running to keep the existing brook flowing during construction. Work hours for this emergency repair may extend beyond the regular working hours of 7am-4pm. The contractor may work into the evening hours and through the weekend to complete the repair in a timely manner.
Thank you in advance for your patience as we start to make the repairs. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Department of Public Works at (978) 777-0001 x3011.