City of Newburyport Announces Completion of Patrick Tracy Square Renovation – Information & Photos

NEWBURYPORT — Mayor Sean Reardon is pleased to announce the completion of the renovation of Patrick Tracy Square on Pleasant Street, adjacent to the Mercantile Building.

The work included the removal of overgrown shrubbery, installation of new plantings, pruning of all trees and shrubs, installation of Edison lights over the picnic tables as well as the installation of a new chess table with chairs.

One of the most distinctive additions is the installation of two steel sculptures created by local artist Dale Rogers. The sculptures portray a cat, and a tree with bright red cardinals sitting on the branches. The donations of the sculptures were a generous gift from the Burkhart family, who are neighbors to the Square.

The project was funded by the Mayor Gayden W. Morrill Charitable Foundation.

This cat is one of two sculptures by Dale Rogers that have been added to Patrick Tracy Square. (Photo Courtesy City of Newburyport)

“We encourage everyone to visit the Square and see the changes, and to enjoy the new lighting that gives it a special ambience,” Mayor Reardon said. “I want to offer special thanks to the Morrill Foundation, which has been an incredible steward of Newburyport’s public spaces for so many years.”

Mayor Reardon also wishes to recognize the Department of Public Services for the electrical work, and the Parks Department for project management and the physical renovation and installations.

About the Morrill Foundation
The Mayor Gayden W. Morrill Charitable Foundation is a private foundation established in memory of the former Mayor of Newburyport. He served from 1932-1935 and died in 1948. The foundation’s assets come largely from the estate of Frank Forrest Morrill, a generous benefactor and son of the former Mayor, who died in 2004. The foundation benefits public spaces legally owned and/or controlled by the City of Newburyport.

This bird sculpture is one of two by Dale Rogers that have been added to Patrick Tracy Square. (Photo Courtesy City of Newburyport)

City workers have added special lighting to add to the ambience of Patrick Tracy Square. (Photo Courtesy City of Newburyport)


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