Gloucester Fire Department Encourages Community to Continue Reporting Hot Spots in Wake of Poles Hill Brush Fire

GLOUCESTER — Fire Chief Eric Smith reports that the Gloucester Fire Department is continuing to actively monitor the Poles Hill area for hot spots after an extensive response earlier this month for a significant brush fire.

Since the initial response to the fire on Aug. 1, Gloucester Fire has been making routine visits to the area to check for and address hot spots and smoldering. Members of the community have supported that effort through timely reporting of hot spots they observe.

The Gloucester Fire Department would like to thank them for their efforts and encourage them to continue reporting any continued smoldering they witness — as well as any open burning in the area. Outdoor burning is prohibited outside of the normal open burning season from January 15-May 1.

Essex County is currently in the midst of a significant drought, which greatly exacerbates the risk of wildfires while limiting the amount of water available to fight fires and meet other community needs. Residents should immediately report any smoldering they see in the Poles Hill area along with any other brush fires that may ignite due to dry conditions.

“The community is our eyes and ears as we try to stay ahead of brush fires and get them under control before they become large and much more challenging to combat,” Chief Smith said. “I want to thank those who have reported brush fire activity in the weeks since this fire and ask that they remain mindful and vigilant.”

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