MIAA Board of Directors Announces 2020-21 Athletic Structure – Four Seasons

the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA) Board of Directors (BOD) met virtually to address the formal recommendations from the MIAA COVID-19 Task Force regarding Educational Athletics for the 2020-2021 school year.  President Jeff Granatino acknowledged to the Board how, “a lot has happened since July 21 and as we come together today there is guidance from the state on modified sports seasons for school year 2020-21.”  Granatino continued, “The recommendations before us may not meet everyone’s expectations, but they provide a real opportunity for our students to take part in high school athletics for the first time in months.”


The MIAA Task Force began meeting in late May with the charge from President Granatino to provide COVID-19 resources related to Educational Athletics for MIAA school leaders, research the impact of COVID-19 on the landscape of high school athletics, and provide recommendations to the MIAA BOD regarding Educational Athletics for the 2020-2021 school year.  The Task Force consists of 24 members, representing MIAA principals, superintendents, athletic directors, school committees, medical personnel, game officials, coaches and MIAA staff.  Additional stakeholders include the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA), Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and the MIAA Sports Medicine Committee who collaborated with and provided guidance to the Task Force.

This morning MIAA Task Force co-chairs, Dr. Keith Crowley, St. John’s Preparatory School Principal/Associate Head of School and Mr. Thomas Holdgate, Duxbury High School Athletic Director, presented 11 formal recommendations, including a modified athletic season structure, to the MIAA Board of Directors.  An additional two motions were voted on after the formal Task Force presentation.  View the Task Force formal recommendations and the additional motions HERE.

All Task Force recommendations and additional motions were approved by the MIAA Board of Directors.

MIAA Executive Director Bill Gaine stated, “On behalf of the MIAA Board of Directors, the Association can be proud of the outstanding contributions of its COVID-19 Task Force which came to fruition today with Board ratification.  Today’s actions demonstrate the magnanimous service by our volunteer Principals, Athletic Directors, School Committee and Superintendents to provide Educational Athletic opportunities for MIAA student-athletes.”

There still remains work for the MIAA COVID-19 Task Force, including a review of sport-specific guidance and modifications submitted by the respective MIAA Sport Committee representatives and the Sports Medicine Committee. The Task Force plans to continue communications with EEA and DESE to prepare winter season recommendations for the MIAA Board meeting scheduled in October.

Below are links to the following informational documents:

EEA Guidelines released August 13, 2020

MIAA/DESE Joint Guidelines released August 18, 2020

MIAA COVID-19 Task Force slide presentation

MIAA COVID-19 Task Force Recommendations

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