Tuesday News Podcast: Governor Discusses Weekend Protests in Boston; Salem Police Tweet Results in Suspension

Below – Salem Earns Budget Presentation Award – Georgetown Water Restrictions – Weather – Video of the Day

Governor discusses weekend protests in Boston; Salem Police tweet results in suspension; Phase II reopening details; Marblehead election set for June 16; Commercial shellfish and seaworm permit extended; “Unplanned event” shuts down Seabrook
North Shore Today newscast with Rick Moore and Bill Newell


Weather Warm-up this Week


Salem Receives Distinguished Budget Presentation Award

Recognition from Government Finance Officers Association represents commitment to transparency, sound financial practices

SALEM– The City of Salem has received its twelfth Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA), a nation-wide nonprofit organization. The award is the only national awards program for governmental budgets.

The Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from the GFOA reflects the City’s commitment to meeting the highest principles of governmental budgeting. In order to receive the award, the City had to meet or exceed nationally recognized guidelines for an effective budget presentation.

“I’m very pleased that we have once again earned this recognition and distinction from the GFOA, a nation-wide public finance watch-dog organization,” said Mayor Kim Driscoll. “We have consistently delivered transparent and informative budgets, based on real costs, carefully developed financial forecasts, and best practices in municipal governance. This award is reflective of the diligent work that goes into Salem’s budget and our financial practices, and it is a credit to the professional staff in our Finance Department.”

The GFOA guidelines are designed to assess how well a municipality’s budget serve as a policy document, a financial plan, an operations guide, and a communications device. Budget documents must be rated proficient in all four categories and in fourteen mandatory criteria within those categories in order to receive the award.

Georgetown Water Restrictions

GEORGETOWN — The Georgetown Water Department has implemented outdoor water use restrictions, effective immediately.

Outdoor lawn and garden watering is prohibited between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. daily until further notice.

The Georgetown Water Department utilizes emergency restrictions or bans on non-essential water use to reduce water consumption by residents as the department measures water supply and demand.

Varying levels of restriction still allow for outdoor use, though it is limited to times when demand on the system is less significant.

Staff will continue to monitor daily water usage and Parker River water levels, and make changes to the restrictions as appropriate.

Video of the Day – Candid Camera – Shrinking Money

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