Listen Now: Cori DiDonato (CEO of Silver Tiger Consulting) on Small Business Help Webinar; Jared Nicholson (Lynn School Committee); Barry Pett (Gloucester City Councilor); and Dave Rattigan (Educator, Humorist)

CONNECTIONS- Tuesday, Bill and Rick will be looking at COVID-19 on the North Shore from several different angles as they learn about a Wednesday, 10 a.m. webinar hosted by Salem State’s Enterprise Center  with Cori DiDonato, CEO, Silver Tiger Consulting.  From SSU Enterprise Center:

We know that small business owners and nonprofits are working hard to minimize losses and help protect their businesses and organizations. This one hour webinar will help as you navigate their changing day-to-day operations. Take advantage of this opportunity to look at ways to take stock of your situation, generate potential solutions by keeping engaged with clients, conducting marketing during this crisis, and plan for the future.

Please join Cori DiDonato, CEO of Silver Tiger Consulting and our Enterprise Center staff for this one hour interactive workshop webinar.

Other guests include: Jared Nicholson, Lynn School Committee, who will update the status of student remote learning; Gloucester City Councilor Barry Pett, who talks with Josh Arnold; and writer – educator-comedian Dave Rattigan (who always lightens the load) in a conversation with Bill.

Links: Enterprise Center, Salem State University

Individual interviews are posted below

Connections with Rick Moore, Bill Newell, and Josh Arnold 


Cori DiDonato


Jared Nicholson


Barry Pett


Dave Rattigan 

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