Monday News Podcast: MA Expecting COVID-19 Peak/Surge This Week; Gloucester Restaurant Owner Faces Uncertain Future

News Podcast – News from NOAA Below – Saugus COVID-19 Update – Weather –  Videos of the Day

Massachusetts expecting a COVID-19 Peak / Surge this week; Gloucester restaurant owner faces uncertain future; Lynn Schools enter new phase of distance learning; Essex moves town elections to June;  Beverly senior housing residents are upset with court ruling that releases prisoner into their complex;MA lawmakers ok ban on evictions, foreclosures
North Shore Today newscast with Rick Moore and Bill Newell


Weather: Clouds today – rain on Tuesday

NOAA April 17, 2020 Update -Northeast Observer Waiver Extended through May 2

Consistent with the agency’s emergency rule on observer waivers during the COVID-19 pandemic and under the authority granted to the Greater Atlantic Regional Administrator at 50 CFR Part 648.11(c), NOAA Fisheries is extending the waiver granted to vessels with Greater Atlantic Region fishing permits to carry human observers or at-sea monitors for an additional two weeks, through May 2, 2020.
NOAA Fisheries will continue to monitor and evaluate this situation. As we have done in other parts of the country, we will use this time to work with the observer service providers to implement adjustments to the logistics of deploying observers, ensuring qualified observers or at-sea monitors are available as soon as safely possible.
Observers and at-sea monitors are an essential component of commercial fishing operations and provide critical information that is necessary to keep fisheries open and to provide sustainable seafood to our nation during this time. We will continue to monitor all local public health notifications, as well as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for updates. We are committed to protecting the public health and ensuring the safety of fishermen, observers, and others, while fulfilling our mission to maintain our nation’s seafood supply and conserving marine life.
New England fisheries video shoot for NOAA and Ocean Media Center

Saugus COVID-19 Update

SAUGUS – April 19, 2020 – The Saugus Health Department is reporting as of Saturday April 18, 2020 there were 143 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Saugus.

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) reported another 156 people have died after contracting the new coronavirus in Massachusetts, health officials said Saturday, the fifth day in a row in which more than 100 deaths were reported.  MDPH reported that Saturday had 10% of the state’s deaths from COVID-19 so far is just one day.

The death toll stands at 1,706, while the tally of people who tested positive numbers 38,077. Another 1,705 were reported today, Sunday, April 19, 2020, by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH).

Massachusetts is in its coronavirus surge, according to Governor Baker and state officials, and every day since Tuesday, the MDPH has reported new deaths in the triple-digits.

The Saugus Health Department strongly believes that additional unrecognized cases DO exist in Saugus.  Due to the fact that they are undetected, some of these infected individuals may not be properly isolated or quarantined, which is why the continues to strongly request that everyone stay at home unless it is essential, wear a cloth face cover over their face when around others, practice social distancing, avoid gatherings, and to follow the CDC and MDPH guidance.  The Saugus Health Department expects those numbers to increase considerably over the next couple of weeks, as does every other community in Massachusetts.

Again, this is a reminder that as the CDC and MDPH has warned everyone these couples of weeks in Massachusetts are when they expect the peak of the COVID-19 cases in the Commonwealth.

Please follow CDC and MDPH guidance to prevent COVID-19 illness by:

  • Clean your hands often for at least: 20 seconds
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
  • Stay at least 6 feet between yourself and others
  • Stay home as much as possible – only leave for essential reasons
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face cover when around others

Please stay healthy and please call us with any needs.  We are her for you.

For more information, contact the Saugus Health Department at (781) 231-4117 and/or the Town Manager’s office at 781-231-4111.

Video of the Day – Jim Gaffigan in Quarantine

Bonus Video of the Day

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