Wednesday News Podcast: Non-essential Business Shutdown Continues; Gloucester DPW Working to Stay Ahead

News Podcast – Weather – Local Photos – Videos of the Day (Larry David on Social Distancing) 

Non-essential business shutdown continues; Gloucester DPW working to stay ahead;; Colleges to refund some fees to students; Newburyport mayor cites good work of residents and businesses;  Lynn’s GE workers concerned about working conditions; Tarr warns of increased scamming activity related to emergency
North Shore Today newscast with Bill Newell and Rick Moore


Weather – Cold then better


Local Photos – Sunrise from Revere – from Tracy MccarthyBailer


Photos from Lynn Fire Department – All fire houses getting a professional cleaning 





Video of the Day – No Automotive “Social Distancing”

This may be why California has been so successful in containing COVID-19 – Larry David

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