Tuesday News Podcast: Governor Orders Non-essential Businesses to Close; MA Ensures Continuity of Waste and Recycling Collection

News Podcast – News Below from Salem – Video of the Day with Jim Gaffigan – Weather

Governor orders non-essential businesses to close; MA ensures continuity of waste and recycling collection; Volunteers step up to help local residents; Rockport COVID-19 update; Greater Lynn Senior Services see greater demand for food delivery; Manchesterbythesea Police join in on autism fund raiser

North Shore Today newscast with Rick Moore and Bill Newell


Weather – See the 50s!


City of Salem Issues Call for Personal Protective Equipment Donations

Masks, gloves, gowns, and eye protection sought for Salem Police and Fire Departments, North Shore Medical Center

SALEM – The City of Salem, through Salem Together, has issued a call for donations of personal protective equipment for the City’s first responders and North Shore Medical Center. The need includes protective masks, gloves, eyewear, and gowns. These items will be utilized by Salem Police and Fire Department personnel, Atlantic Ambulance EMTs, and healthcare workers at North Shore Medical Center.

Items to donate should be unused/unopened. They can be dropped off in the bins located in the lobby of the Salem Police station, 95 Margin Street. Sanitizer is available in the lobby and those dropping off items should maintain appropriate distances from one another.

Personal protective equipment is also being donated from the Salem Public Schools, Salem State University, and the Peabody Essex Museum.

“I encourage all residents, businesses, and institutions who have any of these much-needed materials to drop them off at the Salem Police Department as they are able,” said Salem Mayor Kim Driscoll. “In this time of need, these items are of critical importance to helping keep our first responders and healthcare workers safe so they can address this crisis quickly.”

“We are grateful to the City of Salem and our entire community for donations of PPE equipment to keep our healthcare workers safe and prepared to care for loved ones,” said Dr. David Roberts, MD, President of North Shore Medical Center.

“While Salem Public Schools remain closed at this time, we are dedicated to providing our first responders, and those in our hospitals, the PPE materials we have in our schools from our nurses’ offices and our medical assistance programs,” said Salem Public Schools Superintendent Kathy Smith. “We urge anyone who can help to do the same to keep our community members on the front lines safe and healthy.”

“Salem State University is a committed partner in this effort and will work through MEMA to provide extra PPE resources. We will continue to partner with the City and NSMC to help mitigate the spread of the virus and respond to the everchanging needs of our community.”

“PEM would like to express its deep appreciation for those fighting tirelessly to keep our communities safe,” said Brian Kennedy, the Rose-Marie and Eijk Van Otterloo Director and CEO of the Peabody Essex Museum (PEM). “We encourage other businesses that may have PPE materials on hand to donate them post-haste to our first responders and North Shore Medical Center.”

Video of the Day – Jim Gaffigan

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